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There are many different ways to use data collection in the classroom. One way is to learn about your students at the beginning of the year. Teachers can use surveys to learn their students favorite subjects, favorite colors, about their home life, what they are interested in, etc. This would help teachers get to know their students better and collect all the information in one place at one time. Surveys can also be used later on to test students knowledge of a subject. Teachers can test how well students are grasping concepts all together. 

I loved looking at everyone else's blogs and seeing what everyone else said. A lot of people had the same ideas about the skills they want to learn, the data collection ideas, and even a lot of similar responses on past blogs. I also loved looking at everyone's websites. Everyone had great websites with a lot of good information, colorful designs, and easy to navigate layouts. I like how even though we all have the same assignments, everyone puts their own spin on them, making them their own. 

Digital badges are visual representations of different types of achievements that can be completed. Tech flex tasks are different activities that get students more involved, help them practice using new tools, and have fun exploring helpful tools. Although I did not get a chance to use them, they seem like a great way to get students motivated and interested in doing new things and learning different skills. I think they are great opportunities to practice technology skills in a fun way. 

One technology skill that I want to learn more about is Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. These can be extremely helpful to teachers to keep track of grades, assignments, and other important data points. My cousin who is a teacher does all of her grades, progress reports, and report cards on Google Sheets. I think it would be helpful to know how to use these, at least at a basic level. I will learn how to use these programs by practicing them, taking free lessons online, and watching Youtube videos where people explain how to use them. 
