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BLOG 1- Introduction

 My name is Macy McMahon! I am a junior at Florida State University majoring in Family and Child Sciences with a double minor in Education and Child Development. I am originally from a small city about 4.5 hours from Tallahassee, Dunedin, FL. One thing about me and who I am is that I am a Christian. Some things that I love to do include, spending time with my friends, reading, traveling, and going to the beach. I am excited for this class and all of the exciting projects that come with it. 

I do not have a lot of technology experience in an educational sense. I got a few Microsoft Certifications in middle and high school but have only ever used them for class assignments over the years. I have used different presentation platforms such as PowerPoint and Prezi for class projects, especially in high school. I hope to get more experience in this class and expand my technological experience. 

One of the main sources I use to help me create and succeed in my goals of having a successful college career and eventually becoming a teacher are my family members who are in the education field. My cousins are teachers, my grandma was a teacher for 40 years, my mom works at a high school, and my uncle is a headmaster for a private school. They are all able to offer different insights to my college experience and help me prepare to eventually become a teacher. I also have access to other people and resources through them. Another source of mine is social media, especially Instagram. I follow multiple teacher accounts and have even connected with a student who graduated from FSU two years ago in my same major and is now a teacher. I hope to grow my PLN over the next few years. 


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