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    This was my first time using Diigo and I think it is really useful. It is a great way to share resources and connect with what other people are finding and using. I think it is a great tool for finding important information and tips from other teachers. It is also a great way to connect with others and find people who are researching the same things as you. One negative thing about Diigo is that it is not super user friendly. It was a little hard to navigate at first and understand how to post, but it is worth it once you figure it out. 
    I have really enjoyed blogging so far. I think it is the best way to keep all of my assignments in one place. It makes it easy to look at all of my work from the semester at one time and be able to find anything from past assignments. I also like how I am able to see what my classmates are posting. From doing the blog, I have learned how to create a blog, how to change the layout and designs, and link other things to a blog. This could be a really helpful tool in the future to make a blog for my class or even personal reasons. 
    One Web 2.0 tool that I think would be really helpful is Edmodo. It is a great tool for parents, teachers, and students. Teachers can give quizzes, post news and assignments, and chat with parents. One of my teachers used Edmodo and it was extremely helpful to keep all of my assignments organized and stay in contact with updates she needed to give us. 

"edmodo" by CTJ Online is licensed under


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