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Grade 2 LAFS.2.RL.3.7 

"Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot." 

    I feel semi confident in my ability to implement this strategy at this time in my school career. I am very much a hands on person when it comes to learning and I prefer to handwrite everything. I have to write everything before I type it, including discussion boards, essays, blog posts, etc. I think I could make the online posters that come with this standard but I would have to learn how to use the storybook website and how to make comic strips. I have a lot to learn to be more comfortable with technology but over time, I will be able to implement this strategy successfully in my own classroom. 

    The resource that I found in the CPALMS toolkit is a science resource for second graders. It is called Solids, Liquids, and Gases, Oh My! This is an interactive video and practice tool for children to better understand the different states of matter. There are multiple videos describing each one and then practice problems and diagrams to help the children do it on their own. This would be good practice during their free time or after school to get extra practice with this topic. 

    Internet searching is something that we do every single day, whether it is for a general life question, school, directions, etc. When we search online, the first answer that comes up is usually a snippet of a website or article. The answer that shows is what the search engine has been programmed to find. It will also have the link to the full article in case the snippet did not fully answer the question. Sometimes google does not have what we are looking for so we can use the advanced search engine. This allows you to use key words and get more specific results. It would save a lot of time and get better results if everyone learned how to use the advanced search engine properly. 


  1. Hello! I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I agree that internet searching is extremely important and the advanced search engine can be a massive help! Overall, good job!


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